Uttryck 9
Matching exercise
Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Du har problem.
We haven't got much time left.
You are in real trouble.
It mustn't burn.
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry about your wig.
Tack för tipset.
We haven't got much time left.
You are in real trouble.
It mustn't burn.
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry about your wig.
Ledsen för din peruk.
We haven't got much time left.
You are in real trouble.
It mustn't burn.
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry about your wig.
Den får inte brinna upp.
We haven't got much time left.
You are in real trouble.
It mustn't burn.
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry about your wig.
Vi har inte mycket tid på oss.
We haven't got much time left.
You are in real trouble.
It mustn't burn.
Thanks for the tip.
Sorry about your wig.