Uttryck 15
Matching exercise
Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Han springer uppför trappan och kommer tillbaka.
He runs upstairs and comes back.
Don't go over there!
Everyone cheers.
He was third.
They applaud after every event.
Gå inte dit bort!
He runs upstairs and comes back.
Don't go over there!
Everyone cheers.
He was third.
They applaud after every event.
Alla hejar.
He runs upstairs and comes back.
Don't go over there!
Everyone cheers.
He was third.
They applaud after every event.
De applåderar efter varje gren.
He runs upstairs and comes back.
Don't go over there!
Everyone cheers.
He was third.
They applaud after every event.
Han blev tredje.
He runs upstairs and comes back.
Don't go over there!
Everyone cheers.
He was third.
They applaud after every event.